
2006/10/20 at 3:05 pm | Posted in 悅讀戲文 | 16 Comments










1986舊戲院圖片 詳細


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  1. 這個網頁我有看過,很佩服。


  2. 日本人的專注, 有時真的沒話說. 你現在才開始光影之旅, 也不遲呀, 買部傻瓜機, 周街影餐飽啦!

  3. 據K君所說, 他亦曾前往斧山道的嘉禾片廠, 拍了好些照片. 的確, 對醉心於某些事物而努力不懈的人, 總是佩服的.

    我亦嘗試在街頭影一點舊戲院, 但都沒甚麼可影, 即使未拆的, 像京都, 招牌都脫色, 只影到一間白色的建築物.

  4. 前京都的外牆本來就是白色的,開幕迄今沒有改變。


  5. Hello! Dear Wong sin-san and everyone.

    I am 学芸員K.
    Thank you for introducing my site on this blog.

    Among disapeared old cinema theatres, the best favourite one is Golden Harvest Theatre at Jordan.

    As you know, this theatre was changed to Newport theatre. And around 2000, this theatre was closed. When I heard this information, I was very sad.

    I like Hong Kong and Hong Kong movies. I have watched Hong Kong movies at theatre in Hong kong over 100 titles.

    I am sorry that I can read chinese, but because I am Japanese, I use chinese character, so I can understand the contents of this blog, around 60%~80%.

    I am sorry for poor English too.

    Thank you!

  6. I am very sorry!

    >I am sorry that I can read chinese,

    Sorry! Mistake.
    I mean that

    I am sorry that I can “not” read chinese,

    Thank you.

  7. I am very sorry!

    >I am sorry that I can read chinese,

    Sorry! Mistake.
    I mean that

    I am sorry that I can “not” read chinese,

    Thank you again!

  8. Hello

    When I watch HK movies at theatre in Hong Kong, I always read English subtitles, and sometimes read Chinese subtitles.

    For foreigners, this subtitles system is very convenience. In Japan, of course there are subtitles on foreign movie, but there is no subtitles on Japanese movies.

  9. To: David

    拍攝 “遺址”, 我也有嘗試的, 好像皇都, 但都給大廣告板遮著, 基本上見不到建築物本身. 又或者南華, 變成新商場, 全看不到舊觀輪廓, 當然, 換個角度, 也記錄了它們的變遷.

    To: 学芸員K

    Thank you for your note and introduce my blog on your site, don’t be sorry.

    Knowing that Japanese uses Chinese character, can’t believe that you can read 60% of a Chinese text.

    It is amazing too on the Chinese/English subtitle in Hong Kong movie. I guess there is no other country doing the same thing.

    I never saw movie in Japan. Once I was around a cinema in Uemo (上野), I found the ticket price quite high and not to go. But the ticket was beautiful.

  10. To:Wong sin-san,

    As you know, we Japanese always use your Chinese character, but between we Japanese and you Hong Kong people, there are many characters that have delicately different meaning, and grammer is just different, and you use character that we have never use.

    For example above your blog note, we almost have not used 拍,舊,它,們,嘗 and so on.

    Though I don’t know about other Japanese people, especially me, I think that I can read only 60~80% of Chinese writing.

    We Japanese can guess what Chinese characters mean. But I think that sometimes we misunderstand the meaning of character because of delicately difference meaning.

    In Japan, the fee of cinema is very high compared with other countries.

    By the way, a guest of my site bbs likes old cinema theatre too. He found out a site about old HK cinema.
    Do you this site?

  11. I am sorry again.

    >Do you this site?

    I mean that

    Do you know this site?

    I am sorry!

  12. Thank you 学芸員K.
    I had read the “Hong Kong Place” site. People do have their own memory on old cinema.

    Hope the “Cinema Treasure” site I told you last time useful to you.

    It is so nice that you can nearly understand 60-80% of a Chinese text. I only get less than 5% of a Japanese text through the Chinese character.

  13. 異國交流,可喜可賀.
    Appreciated to know YOURS.

  14. To:泡沫人
    我亦很意外, 可以和日本的K君有這次簡短對話, 比較可惜是我不懂日語, 看不明白他那頗具規模的網站.

    當然, 亦很多謝各位在這裡留下說話.

  15. Do you know what type of food sellin in the old cinema?

    • Sorry I don’t. Usually I don’t have snack when seeing movie.

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