
2013/11/20 at 8:29 am | Posted in 香港戲院/新界 | 18 Comments

KwaiFongTheatre  部分舊戲院經改建,變更用途,有時候外牆不加粉飾,殘留的生鏽鐵架提醒你,它前身是戲院,這個「路標」近年亦消失。






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  1. 以前在葵芳轉車上梨木樹時,都會路過這家戲院。知道戲院改作甚麼用途嗎?


    • 不太清楚, 按照片所見, 地舖招牌有教會, 另外亦有酒家、聯誼會的霓虹光管招牌.

  2. When I visit HKG, I go to this area often. I think the cinema is now a “church”, not a restaurant. I only visited the cinema once but remember that the celling is quite low for a “medium-sized” cinema. It was under the Shaw circuit when it opened but since the Shaw circuit changed management to Dickson in the late 80s, Kwai Fong didn’t switch to Dickson, instead to Golden Harvest, as well as Shun Lee I think.

    • 謝謝你的分享, 可以了解到其院線變化.

      • 院線 is my subject. Let me know if you want more…

  3. To: 沒有留名字的朋友, 院線是個有意思的課題, 希望你能分享更多. 謝謝!

    • Sorry I forgot to leave my user name (hhpy). I can try to come up with something later but at the moment, I can only write in English as I live in the UK. If you can help me to translate, that would be useful. I have lots of information regarding cinema circuits (院線) in Hong Kong since the 1970s. I would love to share.


  4. 院線,一個有意思的課題。院線的組合,容易翻查。院線如何組合,或為何拆線,局外人就不易知曉了!

    • True. It relates to tactics, politics, commercial interests as well as geography in Hong Kong. First, we need to start with geography for having the Hong Kong side and Kowloon side, usually one “dragon head” cinema each side. They are usually in the areas of Nathan Road or near the Tramways on the Hong Kong side. Then there were “secondary” cinemas in some residential areas. Finally, there were also “dinghies” (please translate), which meant that these less important cinemas could move from one circuit to another when the movies became not as popular later on… or even showing adult movies instead… Let me organise properly and I try to write some better blogs

      • Hello, 原來是hhpy, 我在Cinema Treasures見到你的留言. 謝謝再分享, 文中指的是否「艇仔」戲院?

      • WHP, yes.

  5. hhpy,小弟是CT的Raymond Lo和Suwanti,幸會幸會。


    • Raymond/David/Suwant, you’re a legend! I took me long to dig any information out from the web about hong kong cinemas (I do mean the cinemas, not movies) which has been my interest since I was 10. Thanks to your work, I get my childhood back!

      • 怎樣可以和兄直接聯絡呢?


  6. David
    I left my address with this reply.

    • To hhpy: I sent your email address to David. I think he will contact you.

      • 代郵



      • yes he did.

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